Various Illustrations / Design work #1
Here is a collection of various illustrations, logos, album covers and design work that have been commissioned over the past couple of years. Most, if not all of the work you are about to see has never been published on my Behance page.
I hope you enjoy it.

Covid-19 The second wave, is a personal project and was not commissioned by anyone. I wanted to create something fun while exploring the retro horror genre.

This illustration commissioned by Daryl Smith, was the very first illustration that I've ever done with Procreate on the iPad. This was soon to become one of my favorite tool.

Destination Venus is an album cover illustration that was commissioned by Producer Daemon Hatfield. This was designed in photoshop using a Wacom Bamboo tablet.

RetroChrome 2 is the second album cover commissioned by Brandon, an extraordinary Synthwave music Producer. This album is due very soon and will be available on Vinyl, Cassette tape and digital format.
Designed in Photoshop and Procreate.

RetroChrome was the first album cover commissioned by Brandon.
Created entirely in Photoshop with the Wacom Bamboo tablet.

Revenge is an unclaimed / unpaid album cover artwork that I have designed this year. The client wanted to be portrayed in the center and surrounded by scene reminiscent of 80's action and horror movies.

I am very proud to have been part of the Soviet Jump Game creation. This video game logo was commissioned by Fantastic Passion and the game was put out by GameGrumps on Steam.

StarBound is another album cover for Water and Bridges. This one was completely designed in Maxon C4D, except for the logo portion.

The Hiiters wanted me to recreate their logo and give it the Retro Chrome look. As this is my specialty, It was a great pleasure to deliver this Gold Chrome Logo to them. The logo was used on their lated album cover that was designed by the one and only Laurent Melki. Designed in Photoshop Illustrator and photoshop was used to give it a retro sheen.

Undercover Bike Cop is a Poster designed for Retro Video Pictures. I am particularly happy with the top portion of the poster. The cityscape, portrait and neon background were all illustrated by hand (using photo reference) in Photoshop using my Wacom Tablet.

Another Personal piece, completely illustrated in Procreate on iPad. This piece was later purchased by Android Automatic and used as an album cover for his b-side tracks.

Another Personal piece, inspired by the airbrush work of Scott Beckley. Completely done in Procreate.

Miami Heart is the second Album cover designed for Water and Bridges. I remember that illustrating the Miami Skyline was harder than anticipated and took more than 10 hours of work. Really happy with this album cover.

The above piece is a single cover designed in Maxon C4d and Adobe Photoshop for the incredible Synthwave band Wolf Club. Most of it was done in C4D and I added the fog in photoshop as I wasn't able to achieve this particular look in C4D.

This is part of a neon sign that was designed in C4D for The Bottlers. I remember that it took particularly long to render.

Logo commissioned for the Porat Chess Club in Israel. It was a fun project and working with an unfamiliar language was a fun challenge. Completely done in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.